Sydney K. Decker
PhD Candidate, Ohio State University

About Me
I am a PhD candidate studying phylogeography and speciation in bats with Bryan Carstens at Ohio State University. My research focuses on evaluating evolutionary patterns in yellow bats and is heavily influenced by my interest in natural history collections, genomics, and statistics.
I completed my Bachelor's of Science working with Loren Ammerman at Angelo State University. During this time, I also worked in the Angelo State Natural History Collections as a curatorial assistant where I developed a deep appreciation for the preservation of natural history.

Contact Me

Affiliation: Department of EEOB, Ohio State University
Email: decker.391@buckeyemail.osu.edu
GitHub: https://github.com/skdecker
Google Scholar: Sydney Kay Decker
ResearchGate: Sydney Kay Decker
LinkedIn: SK Decker